segunda-feira, outubro 27, 2008

Raise the Roof

What you do?
Raise the roof
Everybody wants you to

And you do it with
And you do it with
And you do it with
And you do it with love

When you do
That thing you do
Love comes through
You raise the roof

Put the music on
Put the music on
Put the music on
They all wanna dance

Can do anything
If you dare
Don't mean a thing
Unless you care

And you do it with
And you do it with
And you do it with
And you do it with love

All those years I wasted
Sitting on my own
Think what I could have tasted
If I'd only known

Why did I wait?
Why did I wait?
Don't tell me it's too late

Why did I wait?
Don't tell me it's too late

So open up
Before you start
Open hand
Open heart

Bring it on
Bring it on
Bring it on

Bring it on home
Bring it on home
Bring it on home

Why did I wait?
Why did I wait?

Don't tell me it's too late
Don't tell me it's too late
Don't tell me it's too late
Don't tell me it's too late
Don't tell me it's too late

(Tracey Thorn)



Blogger Nuno Guronsan said...

A voz da Tracey é sempre bonita.
E bonita é também esta pequena estória do vídeo. Deliciosa.

Bonita escolha, minha bonita colega.


1:54 da tarde  
Blogger Patricia Dias said...

(como se fazem smiles envergonhados no teclado?)

Começando com a pequena borralheira e o príncipe muito peculiar, passando pelo baile e sem esquecer o pormenor dos sapatos, esta é sem dúvida uma história de encantar dos tempos modernos.

Fico feliz por teres gostado desta querida história, querido colega.


6:26 da tarde  

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