terça-feira, outubro 21, 2008

The Happy Birthday Song

when i wake up
in the morning,
pour the coffee,
and i read the paper,
and i slowly,
and so softly,
i do the dishes.
i feed the fishes.
sing a birthday
sing it like it's going to be your last day.
like it's hallelujah,
don't let it just pass on through ya
it's a giant and long cliché,
and that's why i want you to sing it anyway
sing me happy birthday
'cause hell, what's it all about?

sing me happy birthday,
happy birthday.
it's gonna be your last day,
gonna be your last day.

sing me happy birthday,
happy birthday,
like it's going to be,
going to be your last day.

(Andrew Bird)



Blogger Patricia Dias said...

Happy Birthday!!!

(nobody should do the dishes on their birthday ;)


12:20 da manhã  
Blogger Nuno Guronsan said...

I didn't do the dishes... only the birthday cake :)))


12:28 da manhã  
Blogger magarça said...

Revelado o aniversario, os meus parabéns! A música que escolheste para comemorar o dia é excelente.

11:26 da tarde  
Blogger Nuno Guronsan said...

Obrigado, Magarça, e obrigado pelas suas frequentes passagens pelo Canções, que servem sempre de motivação para continuar esta "brincadeira".

Bem haja.

12:58 da manhã  

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