quarta-feira, outubro 15, 2008

Song For a Blue Guitar

when everything we felt failed
and some music soft in distant sails
but it don't sound like it did before
then i know I'm left with nothing more
than my own soul
when pretty pictures face back
but your coats aren't hanging on the rack
and blue water turns to
a place that i can't get to
a place that i can't

in a room all i feel
is the cold that you left
through the air all i see
is your face full of blame
what's left to see
what's there to see

in the room all i feel
is the cold that you left
through the air all i see
is your face full of blame
what's left to see
what's there to see

what's left to see

(Red House Painters)



Blogger Nuno Guronsan said...

Às vezes há músicas ou bandas que nos marcam uma pequena grande parte das nossas vidas. Sei de alguém que de cada vez que ouve estes senhores sente um enorme aperto no coração. O que se compreende perfeitamente.

Grande música, esta.


9:19 da tarde  
Blogger Patricia Dias said...

E por mais triste que seja não a conseguimos deixar de ouvir vezes sem conta...


12:49 da manhã  

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