quarta-feira, abril 04, 2012

Lightning Song

Lightning, splits the sky.
Shining, blinding a while
And here at last
Almost asleep
Reckoning in a place I have been

And I feel,
I found my place
In time and space
In hope and faith
And love I give
My mind is clear
I have no fear
I share not, sinceLink
For you my dear
This world is wonderful,
so beautiful, if only you can open up your mind and see

Your world is everything, you
ever dreamed of
if only you can open up your mind and see.

This world is wonderful,
so beautiful, if only you can open up your mind and see

Your world is everything, you
ever dreamed of
if only you can open up your mind and see.

The beauty that is here
Beauty that is here.




Blogger Ana M. said...


7:54 da tarde  
Blogger Nuno Guronsan said...

Sorriso a propósito de quê?


9:48 da tarde  
Blogger Ana M. said...

Anathema diz-me muita coisa, apenas isso :)

5:24 da manhã  
Blogger Nuno Guronsan said...

Ainda bem que te diz muita coisa. E eu a pensar que nem saberias quem eram... :)))


7:49 da tarde  

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