Blue Gardenia
Blue gardenia
now I'm alone with you
and I am also blue.
He has tossed us aside
and like you, gardenia,
once I was near his heart.
After the tear drops start,
where are tear drops to hide?
I lived for an hour,
what more can I tell?
Love bloomed like a flower
then the petals fell.
Blue gardenia,
thrown to a passing breeze,
but pressed,
yes, there pressed in my book of memories.
I lived for an hour,
what more can I tell?
Love bloomed like a flower
and then the petals fell.
Blue gardenia,
thrown to a passing breeze,
but pressed
in my book of memories,
but pressed
in my book of memories.
(Dinah Washington)
Etiquetas: Dinah Washington
Obrigado, Patricia.
Soube bem depois de um dia de trabalho (sim, eu sei que é sábado) ouvir este suave sussurar de uma verdadeira diva...
Já que tens mesmo que trabalhar ao sábado, fico feliz que boa música te alivie o dia.
E amanhã espero que seja dia de descanso...
Descanso vespertino apenas... mas em muito boa companhia...
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