quinta-feira, abril 10, 2008

The Water

The telegraph cables hum
The few can decipher who the message is from
And delivering quietly
'Cause some don’t get much company

The harbor becomes the sea
And light in the house keeps it collision free
Understand the lay of the land
Don’t let it hurt you
Or it will be the first to

The water
The water came to realize
It's dangerous size
The mountain
The mountain came to recognize
Its steep and rocky sides
More than realized

Pale as a pile of bones
You hope for your babies and this is how they grow
With batters knocked over
The teeth bite the shoulder
Watching the gray sky that’s acting like a good guy

The water
The water came to realize
Its dangerous size
The mountain
The mountain more than recognize
Its steep and rocky sides
More than realized




Blogger Nuno Guronsan said...

E dia 11 de Junho que nunca mais chega...

Bonita. Tal como todas as outras.


7:14 da tarde  
Blogger Patricia Dias said...

Foi mesmo na recta final, mas lá consegui assegurar o meu bilhete.

Ansiosa para que chegue o dia...


9:20 da tarde  
Blogger Nuno Guronsan said...

Então lá nos encontramos, minha cara colega bloguista! :)

Beijos feistianos!

9:37 da tarde  

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