sexta-feira, janeiro 26, 2007

Seven Fingered Friend

I met a little lady in the forest
Whose beauty you can't compare
And this little lady she told us
Take me if you wanna share
Share, share, share, share, share
Some happiness with me.
Share some happiness with me.

I met a little lady in the forest
Whose beauty you still can't compare
And this little lady she asked us
Oh won't you let me be your friend?
A friend friend friend friend friend
Who makes you feel good.
Friend who makes you feel good.

And ever since I can remember
She's always been around
You know she ain't no stranger
Oh cuz she helps you when you're feeling down
Down down down down down
Are you feeling down?
Down..Are you feeling down?
Then come with me to smell my beautiful tree

(Primitive Reason)



Blogger Patrícia said...

Ihihih... esta é que me lembra mesmo uns colegas do liceu aos saltitos e a cantar. :D Ainda ouço o álbum de vez em quando. Os seguintes não me entusiasmaram muito. Gostava mesmo daquela música do rapaz que é confundido com um assaltante pelo aspecto que tem. :)

10:03 da tarde  

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